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At Central Auction Group, we hope we have made the registration process simple for both our sellers and buyers. Click on any Register link to get started. If you are still having issues registering, contact us and we will do it for you.
Indicate the price you want to bid in the field provided and click on the bid button. When available, a Buy Now button allows you to purchase the auctioned item for a predetermined set price. Not all auctions will have a Buy Now button. When available, Buy Now is an immediate transaction and will end the auction for that item.
Once you locate items of interest, you can start bidding or add them to your watchlist. You can track your bids via your account dashboard. Your watchlist is accessible via the Heart Watchlist icon at the top of the site or from your account dashboard.
If your bid was on a standard auction you will receive an email if another user outbids you. Not all auction formats will notify you if you have been outbid.
At the close of an auction, the highest bidder will receive an email with further details. The Buyer and CAG will arrange payment and pickup of the auctioned item based on the preset time frames and payment options outlined on the bid details page.
Once you have won an item on CAG, you will be notified that you are the high bidder and sent a payment request. You will have 3 business days from invoice to process payment via ACH Credit, Wire Transfer, or Cashiers Check.
If you fail to make any payments due to the Seller or Central Auction Group, whether for default or otherwise, you will be barred from further use of the Central Auction Group website.
Buy Now allows you to purchase the auctioned item for a predetermined set price. Not all auctions will have a Buy Now option since it is up to the sellers discretion.
Please contact Central Auction Group for details at (484) 593-2465 or support@www.centralauctiongroup.com.
The “Auction Seller Agreement” is the contract you agree to adhere to when you post a new auction. Failure to adhere to the agreement will result in banishment from the Central Auction Group website.
If you have a question for the seller, there is a tab you can click within an auction that will allow you to ask the seller a question. If you have any further questions, you can contact us via phone at (484) 593-2465 or via email through Support@CentralAuctionGroup.com.
If you forget your password, you can click on the “forgot password?” link on the login page. This will direct you to a new page that will send you a new password.
All items are represented to the best of the sellers ability but we cannot guarantee or warranty the accuracy of the information provided to us by the seller. ALL UNITS ARE SOLD AS IS
CAG believes that an auction platform should be based on service to its users. We are always available to assist in any capacity throughout the process. If you are a seller looking for more information on our process and ways we can maximize and streamline your equipment sales, contact us at (484) 593-2465 or support@www.centralauctiongroup.com.
A Make Offer listing is a unit listed without a bid option or price. The buyer can submit a sealed (private) offer to the seller which will be accepted or rejected. Please contact Central Auction Group if you have additional questions about this type of listing.
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